Friday, November 28, 2008



Bring to boil:
100ml milk
100ml water
80gm butter
1 1/2 tablespoon caster sugar
pinch of salt

Once come to a boil, add:
125g of plain flour in, stir it hard until forms a dough, keep stirrring for 3-4 minutes to cook the dough andlumps.
Put in a food processor while warm.
Crack 3 eggs then whisk quickly.
Add n the food processor for 30 seconds until it is smooth and sticky paste.
Scoop it out and put in a piping bag and ready to fry in 180 degrees hot oil.

Hot Chocolate:

Boil hot water over saucepan

Melt 250g chocolate

Bring to boil:
800ml milk
2 tablespoon caster sugar
2 tablespoon of Cocoa
Pour over melted chocolate.
Simmer hot chocoalte over boiling water.

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